miércoles, 14 de abril de 2010

Madre Anna Vitiello household needs


Misting Kit (Aerovan) Acetaminophen Amoxicillin, Clavulin Bromexine or Mucolytics Ciprofloxacin Azithromycin Denver Alcohol Metaphase Healing cream Bandages Anti-inflammatory- Medical Disposable (gloves, syringes, gauze, tongue depressors, swabs) Aesop Aciclovir Clarithromycin.


Kiddi Nork-Crezink Dayamineral Extra strong labyrinth TF500 intrafada Ensure Pediasure Sargenor Multivitamin.


Diapers for babies and adults. Laundry soap Garbage bags Bathing Soap Dish soap Soap ball Chlorine Disinfectant Baby Shampoo Pads Toilet paper Cleaning equipment (brushes, bañinas, mop sticks, rag-pickers) Spoons, Knives, Forks. Computer and printer for school.


Fruit Vegetables Food (Maseca, beans, rice, sugar, salt, broth, flour for gravies, etc.. Soy milk (Nan, delisoya) Nan Lactose free Oils (sunflower and olive oil).

Building Materials

Cement Iron Sheet Gravel Pads Sand Labor Wood Floor Tile Tile Balances Painting Doors Windows, etc..

Food Allowed

Cereals: French Bread slices, tortillas, beans, corn, rice, pasta, potatoes, cassava, Ichintal, banana. Meat: beef without fat Vegetables: All are allowed, must be well washed and disinfected. Fruits: All are permitted except grapes, raisins, grapefruit and pericón. Drinks:
Clean water, skim milk, gravies, incaparina, natural juices of fruits or vegetables prepared at home. Fat: vegetable oil from soybeans or sunflower oil. Sugar: Use in moderation.

Forbidden Food

Grains: Bread, cakes, cookies, candy, feet, desserts. Meats: sausage, chorizo, pork, viscera. Vegetables: Not fried or wrapped. Fruit: No canned, or with sugar or preserved, not grapes or raisins, grapefruit or pericón. Beverages: carbonated water, liquor, whole milk, canned juices. Fats: Butter, margarine, mayonnaise, lard, cream, tamales, chuchitos, tacos, tostadas, plump, paches or bent. Sugar: Sugar, honey, brown sugar, brown sugar, sweets, chocolates, jams, ice cream, gelatin and sugar.

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